1. If in non-CDR cases, the approved package is implemented by the bank within ____, the asset classification status may be restored to the position which existed when the reference was made to the bank.
a.  120 days from the date of receipt of application by the bank
b.  90 days from the date of receipt of application by the bank
c.   60 days from the date of receipt of application by the bank
d.  there is no such provision
2. If overdue period exceeds 14 days on the date of receipt of request for renewal of a term deposit receipt
a.  it can be renewed from date of maturity
b.  it can be either renewed from date of maturity or interest can be paid for the overdue period
c.   interest can be paid for the overdue period and cannot be renewed from date of maturity
d.  any of the above, at the discretion of the bank
3. If the approved package is implemented by the bank within ____, the asset classification status may be restored to the position which existed when the reference was made to the CDR Cell in respect of cases covered under the CDR Mechanism.
a.  120 days from approval by the CDR empowered group
b.  90 days from approval by the CDR empowered group
c.   60 days from approval by the CDR empowered group
d.  there is no such provision
4. If the customer does not send acceptance, the compliance of Ombudsman’s award by bank is to ensured within ____ and a confirmation is to be sent by the bank to Ombudsman during this period
a.  30 days from date of award
b.  30 days of date of receipt of copy of award
c.   30 days from date of receipt of customer’s refusal
d.  Award does not become applicable on the bank.
5. What is “Jeevan Pramaan”?
a.  Birth Certificate issued by MC
b.  Certificate issued by a Hospital about birth of a child
c.   Certificate issued by a doctor about a patient
d.  A digital life certificate based on Aadhaar Biometric Authentication
6. If a cheque is misplaced in transit when sent for collection by the collecting bank (which of the following is not correct)
a.  the onus of such loss lies with the collecting bank
b.  the collecting bank is to bear the expenses on account of obtaining duplicate by the customer
c.   if cheque is lost at the paying bank’s branch, the collecting bank can recover the charges from paying bank
d.  none of the above
7. If a company want to set up an office abroad, the ads can permit remittance subject to the following (which is not true)
a.  for initial expenses up to 15% of the average annual turnover during the last 3 years or up to 25% of the net worth, whichever is higher.
b.  for initial expenses up to 15% of the average annual turnover during the last 2 years or up to 25% of the net worth, whichever is lower.
c.   for initial expenses up to 15% of the average annual turnover during the last 2 years or up to 20% of the net worth, whichever is lower.
d.  for initial expenses up to 15% of the average annual turnover during the last 2 years or up to 20% of the net worth, whichever is higher.
8. If a pre-shipment credit is not adjusted within ____ days, it cannot be allowed the concessional rate of interest from the date of loan itself.
a.  180 days
b.  270 days
c.   360 days
d.  discretion of the banks
9. If a sick/old person is unable to put his thumb impression of the cheque to obtain the payment
a.  payment can be obtained by any other person by signatures on his behalf
b.  payment can be obtained by him on the basis of putting some other mark
c.   payment can be obtained by him on the basis of putting some other mark in the presence of two witnesses.
d.  he cannot obtain payment as bank has no proof of such mark.
10. In case an AD Category - I bank has suspicions about the genuineness of the import transaction, it should be reported through the Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) to ____
a.  Director General Foreign Trade
b.  FIU_IND (Financial Intelligence Unit in India).
c.   Directorate of Enforcement
d.  Reserve Bank of India
11. In case of consortium or multiple lending borrowers, the banks are to obtain regular certification by a professional, preferably a ____, regarding compliance of various statutory prescriptions that are in vogue
a.  A chartered financial analyst
b.  A chartered accountant
c.   A chartered secretary
d.  Any of the above
12. In case of exporters in export business for 3 years or more, where a bill is negotiated by a bank but its invoice value is to be reduced for genuine reasons, by the exporter, he can be allowed to reduce the value by ___% subject to the condition that export outstanding does not exceed 5% of average annual export.
a.  No such ceiling
b.  10%
c.   20%
d.  25%
13. In case of Foreign Currency Non- Resident (Banks) term deposit, if the rate is a floating rate, interest re-set period is
a.  3 months
b.  6 months
c.   9 months
d.  12 months
14. In CDR restructuring cases, the promoters’ contribution is stipulated at
a.  5% of the total sacrifice
b.  10% of total cost of restructure
c.   15% of the creditors’ sacrifice
d.  20% of the project cost
15. In connection with eligible banks for Mobile Banking services, which of the following is correct (A.) Banks licensed in India (B.) Banks supervised in India (C.) Banks having physical presence in India (D.) Banks operating in foreign countries.
a.  A to D. All
b.  A to C. Only
c.   a , B. And D. Only
d.  B. , C. And D. Only
16. In PM Employment Generation Program, the maximum project cost in case of manufacturing units is restricted to
a.  ₹5Lakh
b.  ₹10Lakh
c.   ₹25Lakh
d.  ₹50Lakh
17. In public sector banks, the banks normally insist on first deposit as cash, in a newly opened account, because it is requirement of
a.  KYC guidelines
b.  Banking Regulation Act
c.   only a practice
d.  RBI Act
18. In the account of a minor, which is self-operated, the nomination is possible in one of the following ways
a.  minor himself can nominate
b.  since minor cannot nominate, the guardian can nominate
c.   since minor cannot nominate, he will do so when attains majority
d.  B and C both
19. In the context of Foreign currency exchangeable bonds, an Offered Company is one
a.  that issues the bonds
b.  that guarantees the bonds
c.   that offers the shares in exchange for the bonds issued by another company
d.  that offers the shares in exchange for the bonds issued by the same company
20. In which of the following accounts, CDR set up is applicable
a.  working capital limits from Bank-A. ₹15 cr
b.  working capital limits from Bank-A. ₹3 cr and Bank-B. ₹8 cr
c.   TL from Financial institution ₹3 cr and working capital from Bank-A. ₹6.50 cr
d.  TL of ₹25 cr from Bank-B.
21. In which of the following situations, the bank can sanction a loan, if approached for that purpose
a.  Trustees approach, but Trust Deed is silent and Trustees are ready to provide security.
b.  Karta of HUF approaches for HUF business while there is no request from coparceners
c.   Guardian of a minor approaches for loan against FDR in minor’s name. Loan to be used for partnership firm in which guardian is a partner
d.  In any of these cases, loan cannot be sanctioned
22. In which of the following, the interest rate is not fixed by the banks themselves as is regulated by RBI
a.  fixed deposit rates
b.  certificate of deposit rate
c.   ceiling rate on agriculture advances up to ₹2Lakh
d.  rate of interest on consumer credit
23. India’s export trade is regulated by which of the following
a.  RBI and Ministry of Commerce
b.  Director General Foreign Trade
c.   DGFT and RBI
d.  Ministry of Commerce, SEBI and RBI
24. Indicator boards at the branches of banks should be in
a.  Hindi and English
b.  Hindi and regional language
c.   Hindi, English and regional language
d.  at discretion of the bank concerned
25. Information regarding service charges and interest rates is required to be given by banks by way of (A.) Display in their branches (B.) Display on their websites (C.) Publishing by way of a booklet.
a.  A and B. Only
b.  B. And C. Only
c.   A and C. Only
d.  A to C. All
26. Information relating to processing fee, service charges, all in cost is required to be disclosed by the banks in their
a.  loan application forms
b.  loan agreements with the borrowers
c.   Sanction Letter/Terms and conditions of Sanction
d.  all the above
27. Inter-bank liabilities of a bank, as per RBI directives can be maximum
a.  200% of net worth of previous year
b.  250% of net worth of previous year
c.   300% of net worth of previous year
d.  500% of net worth of previous year
28. Interest income in respect of restructured accounts classified as standard assets will be recognized on _____ basis and that in respect of the accounts classified as non-performing assets will be recognized on ____ basis.
a.  accrual, accrual
b.  cash, cash
c.   cash, accrual
d.  accrual, cash
29. Committee on Customer Service constituted to look into banking services rendered to retail and small customers, including pensioners is chaired by
a.  Dr K.C.Chakraborthy
b.  Shri M. Damodaran
c.   Shri Y. H. Malegam
d.  Sh H.R.Khan
30. Which statement is true about Housing loan under priority sector?
a.  Loans up to individuals up to ₹ 35 Lakh in Metro and Up to ₹ 25 Lakh in other centres for purchase/construction of a dwelling unit per family
b.  It does not include loans granted by banks to their own employees
c.   the overall cost of the dwelling unit in the metropolitan centre and at other centres does not exceed ₹ 45 Lakh and ₹ 30 Lakh, respectively
d.  All are correct
31. Interest subvention of 3% is given by Central Govt. To Banks for granting
a.  all agriculture loan up to ₹3Lakh
b.  only direct agriculture loan up to ₹3Lakh
c.   only short term production (crop) loan up to ₹3Lakh
d.  all the above
32. Interest subvention of ___ % is available to banks for loans granted for short term credit allowed to agriculture
a.  2%
b.  2.5%
c.   3%
d.  3.5%
33. Internal rating based approach is to be used for assessing risk weighted assets under capital adequacy norms, in case of
a.  market risk
b.  credit risk
c.   operational risk
d.  all the above
34. Liability of an introducer of an account is limited to
a.  all loss suffered by the bank
b.  no liability for any loss even when involved in fraud
c.   to the extent of identification of the account holder
d.  to trace the account holder, if bank is unable to trace him
35. Loans granted by banks to Housing Finance Companies are part of priority sector loan of banks provided (A.) Loan is given for on-lending (B.) Such loans can be maximum 1% of total priority sector loans (C.) Loan granted till 31.3.2021 only to be given this status.
a.  A to C. All correct
b.  A and C. Correct
c.   A and B. Correct
d.  B. And C. Correct
36. Loans granted by banks to Housing Finance Companies are part of priority sector loan of banks provided (A.) These are approved by NHB for refinance (B.) The loan amount does ot exceed ₹20Lakh for a dwelling unit per family (C.) Such loans can be maximum 5% of total priority sector loans
a.  A to C. All correct
b.  A and C. Only correct
c.   A and B. Only correct
d.  B. And C. Only correct
37. Mobile Banking services can be offered by banks to
a.  customers of the bank
b.  holders of debit cards
c.   holders of credit cards
d.  any of the above
38. Net working capital can be calculated as
a.  long term sources - long term uses
b.  current assets - current liabilities
c.   current assets - stocks - prepaid expenses
d.  all the above
39. No account can be taken up for restructuring, unless the viability is established which should take into account
a.  return on capital employed
b.  debt service coverage ratio
c.   gap between IRR and cost of capital
d.  all the above
40. Normally a pre-shipment credit is allowed as a separate loan for each order but it can be allowed as a ‘running account’ facility to
a.  any exporter, good track record exporters, EOUs, units in FTZs/EPZs/ SEZs
b.  good track record exporters, EOUs, units in FTZs/EPZs/ SEZs
c.   EOUs, units in EOUs, units in FTZs/EPZs/ SEZs only
d.  units in EOUs, units in FTZs/EPZs/ SEZs only
41. Objective of PMEGP is (A.) To generate employment opportunities in rural and urban areas through self-employment ventures (B.) To provide continuous employment to artisans and educated unemployed persons. (C.) To arrest migration of rural youth to urban areas.
a.  a , B. And C. All
b.  A and B. Only
c.   A and C. Only
d.  B. And C. Only
42. On a normal day, the RTGS timing is
a.  9 am to 5 pm
b.  9 am to 5.30 pm
c.   9 am to 8 pm
d.  Round the clock
43. On a pre-shipment credit RBI provides refinance up to a maximum period of
a.  90 days
b.  180 days
c.   270 days
d.  360 days
44. Only those commercial banks which fulfill the eligibility criteria fixed by RBI are allowed to have access to the National Payment system. This criteria include (A.) Minimum networth of ₹ 25 cr (B.) CRAR of 9% (C.) Net NPA less than 5% (D.) Recommendations of Department Concerned.
a.  A to D. All
b.  a , B. And C. Only
c.   B. , C. And D. Only
d.  a , B. And D. Only
45. Out of the following which is odd man out
a.  NSDL
b.  CSDL
c.   SEBI
d.  RBI
Note: RTGS timings since 1st Dec 2020 are: Round the clock.
46. Out of the following, which institution has headquarters in Philippines?
a.  World Bank
b.  Asian Development Bank
c.   Asian clearing Union
d.  International Monetary Fund
47. Out of what type of sources, the preshipment export credit in foreign currency can be given by banks
a.  balances in FCNR, RFC, RFC-D. Accounts
b.  balances in EEFC accounts and Escrow accounts
c.   borrowing from abroad
d.  any of the above
48. Particulars of charge are required to be filed by companies on which of the following portals of Govt. Of India
a.  rbi.org.in
b.  sebi.org.in
c.   mca.gov.in
d.  roc.gov.in
49. Period for realization of export proceeds by the exporter from date of shipment is restricted to (which is not correct)
a.  SEZ exporters - 12 months
b.  Status Holders, 100% EOU, Units set up in EHTP, STP, BTP - 12 months
c.   Warehouse exports - 12 months
d.  Any other exporter - 12 months
50. Post-shipment credit can be in the form of (A.) Foreign bills purchased/ discounted/negotiated (B.) Advance against bills for collection (C.) Advance against duty draw back receivable from the Govt.
a.  only a
b.  A and B. Only
c.   A and C. Only
d.  A to C. All
51. Post-shipment credit for deemed exports can be allowed for a maximum period of
a. 30 days  b. 45 days  c.60 days  d.90 days
52. Pre-shipment credit is adjusted out (A.) Proceeds of post-shipment credit (B.) EEFC account of the exporter (C.) Rupee resources of the exporter to the extent exports have taken place.
a.  A and B. Only
b.  A and C. Only
c.   A , B. And C. All
d.  at discretion of exporter
53. Pre-shipment export credit in foreign currency is available in which of the following currencies
a.  pound sterling, US dollar only
b.  Euro, Yen only
c.   Any convertible currency
d.  A and B. Only
54. Pre-shipment export credit in foreign currency is normally available for a maximum period of ___
a.  60 days
b.  90 days
c.   12 months
d.  bank discretion
55. Pre-shipment credit under ‘running account’ facility is adjusted
a.  from proceeds of the respective export order
b.  from proceeds of other export order
c.   on first come first served basis
d.  at discretion of the exporter
56. Provisioning on secured doubtful loans would be as under:
a.  upto one year - 25%
b.  one to three years - 40%
c.   above 3 years- 100%
d.  all of these
57. Rate of subsidy in rural areas in PMEGP is ___ as percentage of project cost
a.  35% for general category and special category persons
b.  25% for general category and special category persons
c.   25% for general category and 35% for special category persons
d.  15% for general category and 25% for special category persons
58. Rate of subsidy in urban areas in PMEGP is ___ as percentage of project cost
a.  15% for general category and special category persons
b.  25% for general category and special category persons
c.   15% for general category and 10% for special category persons
d.  15% for general category and 25% for special category persons
59. RBI can fix the service charges on various payment or settlement services under provisions of which of the following
a.  Section 22, RBI Act
b.  Section A, BR Regulation
c.   Section 18, Payment and Settlement Act 2007
d.  Section 12, Prevention of Money Laundering Act
60. RBI can include or exclude the name of A. Bank under _____ of ____ from the Second Schedule to the RBI Act
a.  Section 42 of Banking Regulation Act
b.  Section 42 of RBI Act
c.   Section 22 of Banking Regulation Act
d.  Section 34 of RBI Act
61. RBI has issued the mobile banking transactions guidelines under which of the following
a.  Information Technology Act, Section 43
b.  Payment and Settlement Action 2007, Section 18
c.   Securities Transactions Act, Section 24
d.  Banking Regulation Act, Section 35
62. Realisation of proceeds of consignment exports can be allowed by RBI or in certain cases by ads, maximum to the period of
a.  3 months
b.  6 months
c.   12 months
d.  15 months
63. About impact of change in CRR by RBI, which of the following is correct:
a.  reduction in CRR increases the liquidity position within Indian banks
b.  increase in CRR increases the liquidity position within Indian banks
c.   increase in CRR does not affect the liquidity position
d.  decrease in CRR does not affect the liquidity position
64. Which statement is not true in case of Redemption of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs)
a.  Fresh ECBs/FCCBs shall be raised with the stipulated average maturity period and applicable all-in-cost
b.  The fresh ECB/FCCB shall not be raised six months prior to the maturity date of the outstanding FCCBs
c.   ECB/FCCB beyond USD 500 million for the purpose of redemption of the existing FCCB will be considered under the approval route
d.  All statements are true
65. Repayment of the loan under PMEGP can be made as under
a.  in 3 to 7 years with a moratorium of 6- 18 months
b.  in 3 to 7 years with moratorium prescribed at the time of sanction
c.   in 3 to 5 years with moratorium prescribed at the time of sanction
d.  in 5 to 7 years with moratorium prescribed at the time of sanction
66. Some banks are following the practice of sanctioning housing loans at teaser rates. What are teaser rates
a.  Loans at Base rate
b.  Introductory rates at comparatively lower rates of interest in the first few years, after which rates are reset at higher rates
c.   Fixed Rate
d.  Floating Rate fixed in the first year of loan
67. Which of the Banks has launched country’s first ‘Contactless Debit and Credit Cards’”
a.  HDFC Bank
b.  ICICI Bank
c.   State Bank of India
d.  Punjab National Bank
68. CDR system in the country will have the following in its 3 tier structure
a.  CDR Standing Forum and its Core Group
b.  CDR Enpowered Group
c.   CDR Cell
d.  all the above  
69. Service charges can be recovered by banks for inward transactions out of the following
d.  None of the above
70. Submission of form GR is exempted where (which is not true)
a.  the export is free of cost for promotion purpose
b.  the value is up to 2% of the average annual turnover of the exporter
c.   the average to be taken for preceding 3 financial years and 3 financial year of licensed year for status holde₹
d.  maximum amount is restricted to ₹10Lakh both for normal exporters and status holder exporte₹
71. The accounts under CDR category II i.e. Doubtful account, can be referred to CDR system provided, the initiative is taken by at least ____ of the creditors (by value) and ___ of creditors (by number).
a.  60%, 60%
b.  75%, 75%
c.   60%, 75%
d.  75%, 60%
72. The accounts where recovery suits have been filed by the creditors, may be eligible for CDR system provided, the initiative to resolve the case under the CDR system is taken by at least ____ of the creditors (by value) and ___ of creditors (by number).
a.  60%, 60%
b.  75%, 75%
c.   60%, 75%
d.  75%, 60%
73. The amount of export interest subvention will be available to banks on the basis of (A.) Claim to be lodged as at Mar 31 (B.) Claim to be lodged with RBI (C.) Claim supported by Auditors? Certificate.
a.  A and B. Only
b.  B. And C. Only
c.   A and C. Only
d.  A to C. All
74. The amount of margin to be obtained from the borrower under Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers (SRMS) scheme is restricted to
a.  5% of the loan amount
b.  7.5% of the project cost
c.   5% of the project cost above ₹25000 and no margin below this
d.  no margin
75. As per guidelines on Trading of Currency options, _______________are permitted to participate in the currency options market
a.  Non-resident Indians
b.  Persons of Indian Origin
c.   Persons resident in India
d.  None of the above
76. The borrower wants to appeal against the decision of DRT to DRAT under the provisions of RDDB Act.
a.  borrower has to deposit 75% of the decreed amount which can be reduced by DRAT to 25%
b.  borrower has to deposit 50% of the decreed amount which can be reduced by DRAT to 25%
c.   borrower has to deposit 50% of the decreed amount which can be reduced by DRAT to Zero
d.  borrower has to deposit 75% of the decreed amount which can be reduced by DRAT to Zero
77. The borrowers in infrastructure sector can raise external commercial borrowing up to
a.  US USD 100 million
b.  US USD 500 million
c.   US USD 750 million
d.  US USD 1000 million
78. The business firm has following assets. Which of these is a fixed asset
a.  plot of land for a property development firm
b.  machinery  for a machinery supplier firm
c.   computer  for a software development firm
d.  transport vehicle for a vehicle dealer firm
79. The Category 1 CDR system will be applicable to Standard And Substandard Account or accounts, where, by at least, ____ of creditors (by value), the account is treated as standard / substandard
a.  60%
b.  75%
c.   90%
d.  95%
80. The CDR Cell will prepare the restructuring plan and place for consideration of the Empowered Group within ___ days for decision.
a.  15 days
b.  30 days
c.   45 days
d.  60 days
81. The CDR Empowered Group would approve the restructuring package within a specified time frame of ___ days, or at best within ___ days of reference to the Empowered Group.
a.  60, 90
b.  60, 180
c.   90, 180
d.  180, 360
82. The CDR Standing Forum shall meet at least once every ___ months and would review and monitor the progress of corporate debt restructuring system.
a.  2 months
b.  3 months
c.   6 months
d.  12 months
83. The ceiling on inter-bank liabilities of a bank ____ of _____ of the bank as on previous March.
a.  100%, capital fund
b.  200%, capital fund
c.   200%, net worth
d.  300%, net worth
84. The cheque collection policy of a bank can be formulated by the bank and it should
a.  Cover immediate credit of cheques, time frame for collection of cheque, interest payment for delayed collection
b.  Policy should take into account the technological capabilities and systems/ processes adopted for clearing arrangement
c.   A and b. Both
d.  Discretion of the bank
85. The concept of lead bank and service area approach came into existence in the year
a.  1973, 1991
b.  1969, 1989
c.   1980, 1985
d.  1970, 1980
86. The creditor under CDR agree that in case the restructuring is approved, it will be compulsorily implemented if the ___ creditors by value and ___ creditors by number agree
a.  60%, 60%
b.  75%, 75%
c.   60%, 75%
d.  75%, 60%
87. The debtor turnover ratio of a firm is lower in the 2nd year compared with the 1st year. This means that
a.  The book debts have decreased but there is no change in sales
b.  The sales have increased and there is no change in book debts
c.   The efficiency of recovery of book debts has improved
d.  The efficiency of recovery of book debts has declined
88. The Debtor-Creditor Agreement would be ‘stand still’ agreement binding for ___ days, or maximum ___ days by both sides.
a.  60, 90
b.  90, 120
c.   90, 180
d.  120, 180
89. The exporter will have the following options to avail of export finance in foreign currency
a.  To avail of pre-shipment credit in rupees and then the post-shipment credit either in rupees or discounting/ rediscounting of export bills under EBR.
b.  To avail of pre-shipment credit in foreign currency and discount/ rediscounting of the export bills in foreign currency under EBR Scheme.
c.   To avail of pre-shipment credit in rupees and then convert drawals into PCFC at the discretion of the bank.
d.  Any of the above
90. The exporters can write-off the export bill which are not realized subject to maximum of
a.  Aggregate value of such write-off does not exceed 10% of export proceeds due during the Financial year.
b.  Aggregate value of such write-off and reduction in value, does not exceed 10% of export proceeds due during the financial year.
c.   Aggregate value of such write-off does not exceed 5% of export proceeds due during the Financial year.
d.  Aggregate value of such write-off and reduction in value, does not exceed 15% of export proceeds due during the financial year.
91. The funds raised by a company by issuing Foreign currency exchangeable bonds can be used for (A.) Investing in a joint venture abroad (B.) Investing in a wholly owned subsidy abroad (C.) For investing in promoter group companies.
a.  A and B. Only
b.  B. And C. Only
c.   A and C. Only
d.  A to C. All
92. The funds raised by a company by issuing Foreign currency exchangeable bonds can not be used for (A.) Investing in a capital market in India (B.) In real estate sector in India (C.) For investing in promoter group companies.
a.  A and B. Only
b.  B. And C. Only
c.   A and C. Only
d.  A to C. All
93. The innovative perpetual debt instruments are _____ and shown by a bank as part of ____ for capital adequacy ratio purpose
a.  Short term loans, Tier I of capital fund
b.  Long term loans, Tier I of capital fund
c.   Short term loans, Tier II of capital fund
d.  Long term loans, Tier II of capital fund
94. The instruments on which the value stored represents the value paid for by the holder, by cash, by debit to a bank account or by credit card, are called
a.  Stored value instruments
b.  Pre-paid instruments
c.   Post-paid instruments
d.  Electronic instruments
95. The interest subvention for export credit is available subject to the condition that the interest rate, after subvention will not fall below _____ %
a.  bank rate
b.  minimum subvention rate applicable to agriculture also
c.   Term deposit rate for one year
d.  Discretion of the bank
96. The Interest Subvention of 2 percentage points on pre and post shipment rupee export credit is available to which of the following employment oriented export sectors (A.) Textiles, handlooms, carpets & leather, (B.) Gems, jewellery, marine products, (C.) Small and medium enterprises
a.  A to C. All
b.  A and C. Only
c.   B. And C. Only
d.  C. Only
97. The limit for direct receipt of import bills / documents has been fixed by RBI at USD ____
a.  100000
b.  200000
c.   300000
d.  500000
98. The liquidity adjustment facility is offered by RBI to banks through repo and reverse repo transactions which are carried
a.  Between 9.00 A.M. and 11.00 A.M.
b.  Between 9.30 A.M. and 11.30 A.M.
c.   Between 10.30 A.M. and 12.30 A.M.
d.  Between 9.30 A.M. and 10.30 A.M.
99. The loan is recovered from income of the property in which of the following mortgages
a.  Usufructuary mortgage
b.  English mortgage
c.   Equitable mortgage
d.  Simple mortgage
100. The exposure ceiling limits in case of a single borrower and in the case of a borrower group would be?
a.  The exposure ceiling limits would be 15 percent of capital funds in case of a single borrower
b.  The exposure ceiling limits would be 40 percent of capital funds in case of a borrower group
c.   Credit exposure to a single borrower may exceed the exposure norm of 15 percent of the bank’s capital funds by an additional 5 percent (i.e. Up to 20 percent) provided the additional credit exposure is on account of extension of credit to infrastructure projects.
d.  Credit exposure to borrowers belonging to a group may exceed the exposure norm of 40 percent of the bank’s capital funds by an additional 10 percent (i.e., up to 50 percent), provided the additional credit exposure is on account of extension of credit to infrastructure projects.
e.  All of these